I don’t know about you, but I really miss being able to grab drinks and go shopping with one of my best bitches. I’m not very social, being an introvert by nature, but I believe genuine connection is really important to our well being. Something I really enjoy is going browsing with a friend and seeing what we pick out for each other. I think this gives us a chance to look through the eyes of someone who loves us and often gives me the courage to embrace new and wonderful things. Since we can’t go out right now, I decided to do a virtual shopping tour for my dear friend Tina, a quirky artist fantastic. Tina is pretty fucking magical, as evidenced by her Animal Crossing-inspired quarantine outfits.
So to help her max out her 80’s pop-art princess wardrobe, let’s go shopping! Here are my top picks for my Tokyo squirrel friend.
I am totally feeling the Cher Horowitz vibes of this graphic plaid vintage blazer $36
This really makes me feel like I need to up my knee socks game.
This necklace totally gives me Saved by the Bell vibes $40
Omg who wouldn’t want to be friends with this bitch? Boozy pop leather skirt $80
And for the lair, this graphic vase $130
The vase needs a panther friend $49
I can’t make a list for Tina without including a pop of cobalt blue. Clutch $120
This sweatshirt says it all $65
Ok, her hair is also freakin’ magical.
Ok forget Tina, I need these earrings $19
“Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!”
Because my homegirl loves her pink elephants, this vintage sweater has her name all over it $60
And finally, the entry for “damn, that’s awesome but expensive”, this electric green skirt $303
I don’t know if that scratched the shopping itch or made it worse, but it was super fun. Now I need a cocktail.